My aim is to embody and provide a space of
presence, wisdom & love to catalyse profound change.
Catherine Seton BBus, BAPsych(Hon), Ht
- Neuro-affirmative Transpersonal Trauma Counsellor
So a little about me.....I have studied and trained in all manner of trauma, psychotherapeutic, somatic, embodiment and self-help practices as well as metaphysical, energetic, spiritual and shamanic practices over the last 20 years. Having always had a natural skill and inclination toward counselling (I now understand in part due to having Synaesthesia), I found myself over the years, being sought to assist countless friends and strangers alike, to navigate their own mental health journeys. After having many of these seek me out years later to reveal the impact I'd had on them (and after realising the interest that led me to a Business Marketing degree was in understanding people - not in convincing them to buy things they don't need) I returned to study Psychology in 2012. I graduated with Honours in Psychology after completing study in 2014 and in 2015 using in part the results from my award winning thesis, I co-authored and published a paper in the peer reviewed Journal of Happiness Studies. While studying and over the next few years, I began volunteering as a suicide and crisis counsellor, an advocate (predominantly for victims of sexual assault) as well as with a homeless outreach project, before going on to work with children in the foster care system. After completing formal study and years of working with these challenging and vulnerable populations, I became increasingly concerned with the long term results (or indeed lack of) I was seeing and myself had experienced, from many of the therapies touted as the gold standard, as well as the systems and ways within which these therapies were delivered. I felt that some of the fundamental underlying beliefs and models that many of the therapeutic diagnostics and interventions used then (and many still use today), were at best outdated and at worst negatively contributing to our society's mental illness epidemic. This is now an increasingly common criticism and while many have and are pioneering great change, these ideas still goes somewhat against the establishment mentalities. As I was intuitively aware that there was something not quite right (but was unclear on exactly what), I set out on a path of exploration, with the plan to challenge the foundational information and education I had received, in order to 'step outside the box' and begin building again upon a holistic and more considered foundation, for a broader understanding,
I continued self-directed as well as formal study and training, while also expanding my knowledge and experience in trauma informed, somatic and depth psychology, psychotherapy, the biology of the body-brain connection, the cross disciplinary study of consciousness, quantum physics/metaphysics, parapsychology, animistic & Buddhist psychology, shamanic practice, as well as energy and plant medicine, hypnotherapy, breathwork and meditation, among others. I continue to study, attend trainings hosted all around the world and seek out other pioneering practitioners, in order to explore, learn and train with those at the forefront of their fields; from trauma interventions and neuroaffirmative practices, to psychotherapeutic, somatic and biological interventions, all the way through to shamanic and spiritual interventions and training. I work holistically by weaving (as needed) all these skills and learnings upon a grounded model of psychotherapeutic, trauma informed, client-led therapy. This allows me to assist my clients to better understand, as well as clear the barriers limiting access to, their whole authentic identity. With both an avid interest in the scientific and the esoteric, I can meet and work with my clients anywhere along that spectrum, meeting them where they're at and within the frameworks and language they prefer. It is important to me that my clients have the opportunity to re-discover their own innate power, skill, wisdom and intuition, and ultimately develop a deep connection to their own inner healer. Therefore, the processes used are weaved together in a manner that addresses the whole human, with consideration to their neurotype, learning and processing modes and capacity, strengths and weaknesses, all while directed through the innate wisdom of the clients intuitive connection to their body, subconscious and spirit. This combination of the work allows for transformation and healing despite complexity, and for those capable and so inclined, a deeper connection to their spirit, intuitive gifts and the path toward oneness.
“The great illusion of leadership is to think that man can be led out of the desert by someone who has never been there.”
~ Henri J.M. Nouwen
As a matter of integrity, it was important to me that I 'walk the walk' before I 'talk the talk'. I believe that as a practitioner we can't truly be trusted to guide a client to places within their psyche that we have not been willing to traverse within our own. In fact without it, I believe a practitioners capacity and discernment is somewhat limited. As such, I spent a decade receiving treatment via multiple practitioners (after a decade of trying the self help-route), transitioning into being trained, mentored and assisted to cultivate more advanced and dynamic skills, finally returning to work as a psychotherapeutic transpersonal trauma counsellor. I continue to see practitioners now as a client, in order to ensure that I always 'have my own house in order' and am at my best.
How did all that come about? Well, I have a lived experience of Complex PTSD and at one time had amassed quite the laundry list of comorbid symptoms and diagnoses. The cPTSD diagnosis was originally missed, and then complicated by what I now understand were contraindicated treatments. These complications were due many things, but in large part were the result of my then undiagnosed neurodivergent profile; Autistic ADHD Synaesthete. This resulted in a further splitting between the person I knew myself to be and my extensive networks of split off and unconscious traumatised parts, exacerbating some aspects that resulted in additional mental health diagnoses, while deepening my physical body into chronic fatigue, chronic muscular and neuropathic pain and arthritis, as well as other physical, psychological and social complications. This long and often incredibly difficult journey of healing had me traverse to the depths of my own unconscious, meeting the darkest, scariest and most wounded parts of myself, recovering memories from across time and unconscious beliefs I was entirely unaware of, while creating and then deepening my capacity to sit with incredible emotional and physical pain. For a while there I was sure I would never come back to this work, but naturally as it turns out, this work was an apprenticeship of sorts; an initiation into curiously seeing, holding and finding love and neutrality with the darkest and scariest parts my consciousness. The capacities, skills and discoveries that led me to my own recovery, paved the way for the broad skills and successful interventions I now offer. Moreover, having had an incredible specialising practitioner who built her methods around my neurotype, allowed me to deepen into my natural skills, and therefore learn to do the same for my clients. In fact, the pattern recognising and computing speed of my ADHD mind, along with the sensitivity of my Autistic body and the capability to sense, feel and discern frequencies in the quantum field due to the Synaesthesia, continue to deepen and expand within myself and my work. These are the fundamental foundations below the toolkit of training and modalities, that assist my work in untold, often unseen and sometimes extraordinary ways. These skills, along with my continued commitment to being a diligent student on my own path of transformation, allows me to broaden my own awareness, deepen my capacity and continually transform myself as is needed to further and better assist my clients. It is my greatest joy to continue to 'walk the walk', so as to cultivate ever deeper states of self awareness, understanding and integration - making this my yoga, my practice, my gift, and my passion.
With these tools, I assist adult clients with a broad range of symptoms and experiences including but not limited to; developmental, attachment and single incident trauma, depression, anxiety, panic, PTSD/cPTSD, OCD, addictive behaviours, existential crises, spiritual emergence etc., as well as specifically those who have neurodivergent or highly sensitive profiles and those that need an integrated approach that includes their experiences of the mystical.
Importantly, we pace ourselves based on the capacity of and in co-creation with the client, mindful to resource, up-skill and build tolerance to handle the deeper trauma before we get there. That said, processes I use can be powerfully transformational and by that very nature sometimes confronting and as such it will not be for everyone. This path requires commitment and courage from someone truly ready to face their trauma in the deepest levels of their shadow, and let go of what doesn't serve their highest good.
If you feel ready to step into the deep work and onto the path of transformation, or you'd like to know more, feel free to contact me and we can arrange a chat to see if I'm the right practitioner for you.